Monday, May 9, 2011

Typography II - Journal Entry #14

What INSPIRED me most this semester?

As far as the journal entries go, I loved watching and listening to the professionals. These people are experts and have been doing what I'm learning in school for years. It is a students job and obligation to listen and learn from there elders and I think that every interview, documentary and speech I listened to over the course of the semester was extremely enlightening and gave me so much perspective and inspiration to move forward with my path in Graphic Design. I have now had a glimpse and and taste of what my world will be like after school is over and I'm liking what I saw! But I know that I have a LONG ways to go before I can have a shot at being a peer to these intelligent design folk and hope to stand on the same level as them. It is my goal and, hopefully, my destiny.

Eric Norton - Speech Project.

Typography II - Journal Entry #13

Larry Lessig.

His comparison to the views of technology from the past and the usage and abundance of it today was really fascinating. I thoroughly enjoyed his examples and explanation of modern displays of culture with the youtube videos and he really had a unique and profound understanding of technologies effect on culture and how it naturally enhances and promotes our creativity. Many thought that the "vocal chords" or the creative prowess of people of the new age would be silenced, but in fact it has done nothing more than change in format. The digital culture is still strong and in fact has greater potential then I think anyone imagined.