Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Homework - Feb. 23rd 2011

ARTICLE: "On Creativity."

AUTHOR: Andy Rutledge

WHY SO IMPORTANT?: Andy Rutledge is a principal at Unit Interactive in Plano, Texas. When not working, biking, or banging on the piano, he’s usually found ranting about design or professionalism on his personal site, Design View.

SUMMARY: The article discusses the legitimacy of creativity in a designer's work and reveals the common misconceptions about creativity. Creativity itself is the application of design to solve a problem and has little to nothing to do with overt self expression. Anyone can make something or make something up from scratch but can they do it with purpose, can the do it to solve the issue, or will they end up saying “sorry?” If one can adopt these techniques then one can call him/herself creative.


1. As designers, our creative efforts are judged—and rightly so.

2. Creativity has nothing at all to do with self-expression or flamboyancy. Aside from the simple ability to create things, the most important feature of creativity is a highly developed perception filter that is somewhat less common than we’re led to believe.

3. f you are a designer worth your salt, you know that no design project begins with creativity. Instead, it begins with client- and/or context-specific discovery, and lots of research to help you understand the fundamental nature of the challenges at hand.

4. Any reference to constraints that limit creativity is just another way of equating creativity with self-expression, an erroneous and irresponsible idea.

5. Constraints are a designer’s best friend. They’re signposts, not shackles. In a sense, constraints amount to the solution half-built. It is merely up to us to then realize the other half according to what these signposts indicate is appropriate. Nowhere in this concept does self-expression find any valid foothold.

6. art of a designer’s job is to show people what they want before they know they want it, and our success in doing so is based largely on our intuitive abilities.

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